Advanced Computing Design Call

3rd edition

A0 - Experimental Access - closed

Ref.: FCT/CPCA/2022/01


See description and details of Call on the Access tab > Calls national > 3rd edition CPCA or on the FCT website.

About the projects A0 - Experimental Access

Recommended for projects that require HPC (High Performance Computing) and/or SCC (scientific) resources and/or visualization resources on RNCA platforms. Recommended for teams with no previous experience or history of using these resources. Maximum limits: 50,000 CPU core.hours or vCPU.hours, 730 GPU.hours, 6 months.

Quota of resources reserved on Call for these accesses: 5%.

How to apply for A0 Access

Applications must be submitted in English in the form provided (see below). The form available in this page is only for applications in type A0 - Experimental Access. For projects requiring more resources please refer to the other types of access available on the FCT website.


Batch of applicationsSubmission Dates
AOctober 25, 2022 (1pm) - December 13, 2022 (1pm)
BDecember 13, 2022 (1pm) - February 7, 2023 (1pm)
CFebruary 7, 2023 (1pm) - April 4, 2023 (1pm)
DApril 4, 2023 (1pm) - May 31, 2023 (1pm)

Validation of Applications A0

At the end of each batch of submissions, the applications in type A0 - Experimental Access will only be submitted for administrative validation by FCCN and technical validation by elements of the operational center that manages the selected platform.

After this process, the applications will be subject to resource allocation on the platforms. The sorted list of approved projects is done in order of arrival, from the oldest to the most recent submission. If the resource quota (5%) is not exhausted in this batch, new batches of submissions will be opened.

Supporting documentation

Available at Call.

The information indicated above does not dispense with consulting the detailed information, namely the project regulations, opening notice, application guide, and FAQs.


Additional information and clarifications may be requested through the e-mail address: indicating "FCT/CPCA/2022/01" in the subject.

Applications closed!