
The User Forum is provided for in the internal regulations as an independent body for sharing and advising the RNCA. It is intended to welcome users from public or private research, technology and innovation communities from all scientific areas. Interested parties can contact the Forum using the form on this page.

The User Forum is the body for sharing knowledge and advice from the wider community of RNCA users, with the aim of being an independent and autonomous space for exchanging experiences of use and knowledge about the use of the services provided, as well as making recommendations for their improvement."

Article 13, RNCA Regulation


  • To act as a permanent channel of communication and advice between users, centers and RNCA/FCT.
  • To be a space for sharing experiences, suggestions, problems, improvements and solutions in relation to Calls, events and training, among others.
  • Welcome new users who can find good practices and help with problem solving here.
  • Identify improvements in RNCA processes
  • Attend and meet in person at the annual RNCA meeting

Structure and Coordination

The User Forum is coordinated by a member appointed by the FCT, independent of the other RNCA bodies, for terms of no more than three years. The RNCA Manager and the coordinator of the User Forum will coordinate the necessary measures for the functioning of this body. The initial proposal for the structure of the Forum is as follows:

The 1st coordinator of the User Forum will have a 12-month mandate from January 1 to December 31, 2024, and may be renewed by the FCT.

Communication with the Forum

Contact form

If you have any questions, comments or suggestions for improvement, please use the following form, whose message will be forwarded directly to the Forum Coordinator, an independent representative of RNCA/FCT. Other means of communication may be defined in the course of the Forum's activities.

Supporting documents

Forum Terms of Reference (available soon)