Administrative Documents
Rules of Procedure of the RNCA - No. 1049/2020
Annex to RNCA internal regulation no. 1049/2020
Regulation no. 10/2022 on Advanced Computing Projects (replaces the previous Regulation no. 772-A/2020)
Constitution of the Coordination Council (08.09.2022)
Analysis report and proposals - Cost Model (valuation of RNCA's computing capacities)
National Advanced Computing Strategy 2030
Reports and Activity Plans
Event report: Advanced Computing Meeting 2024
Event report: RNCA Meeting 2023
Event report: RNCA Meeting 2022
Event Report: Meeting RNCA 2021
Reports from Calls
Execution report for Call Advanced Computing Projects - 2nd edition (2021-2023)
Execution report for Call Advanced Computing Projects - 1st edition (2020-2022)
Framework documents
Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 60/2021 promoting the involvement of Portugal in European initiatives in advanced computing
Order No. 4157/2019 updating the National Roadmap of Research Infrastructures of Strategic Interest (RNIE) with the RNCA
Resolution of the Council of Ministers no. 26/2018 approving the "National Digital Skills Initiative e.2030 - INCoDe.2030", and which includes in axis 5 - Research the RNCA
Minho Manifesto on European High Performance - Computing for Science and Innovation (English version)
Rome Declaration of 23 March 2017 on HPC in Europe
International documents
World's Top Supercomputers TOP500 & TOPGREEN500List