High Performance Computing at the University of Évora
The High Performance Computing Center at the University of Évora houses and manages advanced computing resources including the OBLIVION Supercomputer, acquired and available for ENGAGE SKA, and the VISION and ORION Clusters.
The Oblivion Supercomputer was acquired by the University of Évora, as part of the ENGAGE SKA research infrastructure, to support the processing of massive volumes of data (in the order of Petabytes, equivalent to millions of Gigabytes), resulting from the various research and innovation activities developed in Portugal.
ENGAGE SKA is a consortium of seven Portuguese institutions and is the interface of the national scientific community with SKA - a global project that, on an unprecedented scale, involves scientists and engineers in preparation for the construction of the world's largest radio telescope, the Square Kilometer Array (SKA).
Available Resources
Installed in 2020
88 nodes with 3168 colors
Each node with 2x Intel Xeon Gold 6154 (36 core) @ 3GH, 192 GB and RAM 5.33 GB RAM/core
1.15 PB of disk storage
Infiniband EDR
306 TFlops maximum processing capacity
Installed in 2021
16 NVIDIA A100 SXM4 40GB cards