Advanced Computing Projects
5ª edition of Call Advanced Computing Projects
List of 51projectsapproved until December 2024
Project Reference | Platform | Title |
2024.07885.CPCA.A2 | Deucalion | Portuguese LISA Distributed Data Processing Center Pathfinder |
2024.07872.CPCA.A2 | Deucalion | Dynamics of black holes and scalar fields |
2024.07901.CPCA.A2 | Cirrus and Stratus | CaCau: Cancer Causality for Precision Oncology | Phase 2 Model testing |
2024.07909.CPCA.A2 | Cirrus and Stratus | MoreThanPerfect: oPEncoasts as a Relocatable Forecast Engine for Coastal Digital Twins - part2 |
2024.07911.CPCA.A2 | Deucalion | Unraveling the role of NS2 cofactor in flavivirus NS2B-NS3 protease activity |
2024.07913.CPCA.A2 | Deucalion | Drug permeation across membranes simulated by enhanced-sampling molecular dynamics |
2024.08993.CPCA.A2 | Deucalion | Direct Numerical Simulation of Viscoelastic Complex Flows at high Reynolds |
2024.09095.CPCA.A2 | Cirrus | Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) application for marine and offshore structures |
2024.09156.CPCA.A2 | Deucalion | Fire design of light steel frame walls using machine learning models |
2024.09264.CPCA.A2 | Deucalion | ABCD2 - Advanced Building Conception and Design - 2nd Edition |
2024.09277.CPCA.A2 | Deucalion | Structure and dynamics of cell membrane models subjected to external agents |
2024.09307.CPCA.A2 | Deucalion | The Quest for Physical Observables in Quasiperiodic Moiré Systems |
2024.09371.CPCA.A2 | Deucalion | Superconductivity in quasiperiodic moiré materials with linear scaling methods |
2024.09374.CPCA.A2 | Deucalion | Unraveling the structural path and band-gap engineering of n = 2 and n = 3 Dion-Jacobson Perovskites |
2024.09383.CPCA.A2 | Cirrus | Non-universal correction in the effective string theory of flux tubes |
2024.09396.CPCA.A2 | Deucalion | Correlated phases of quasiperiodic moiré materials |
2024.07903.CPCA.A2 | Deucalion | Extreme Computing for Extreme States of Matter |
2024.07895.CPCA.A3 | MareNostrum 5 | Realistic simulations of relativistic plasmas in astrophysical and laboratory environments |
2024.07904.CPCA.A3 | Deucalion | Probing structural dynamics of photo-switches using microwave spectroscopy and quantum chemistry |
2024.08918.CPCA.A3 | Deucalion | Mechanisms of protection of lactic acid bacteria by fructo-oligosaccharides: a molecular simulation study |
2024.08982.CPCA.A3 | Deucalion | Membrane Permeability of Small Cyclic Peptides for Treating Sickle Cell Anemia |
2024.09232.CPCA.A3 | MareNostrum 5 | Exploring confinement, deconfinement and other QCD features using lattice simulations |
2024.07849.CPCA.A0 | Deucalion | Data Science and Artificial Intelligence in Advanced Computation |
2024.08336.CPCA.A0 | Deucalion | Single-cell multi-omics in the choroid plexus in health and disease |
2024.08929.CPCA.A0 | Stratus | Numerical modeling in Docker on the Cloud |
2024.09359.CPCA.A0 | Deucalion | High-Performance Computational Models for Optimizing Power Transformer Cooling Systems Using HPC and ANSYS Fluent |
2024.09932.CPCA.A0 | Deucalion | Foundational Models for the Portuguese Legal Domain |
2024.09991.CPCA.A0 | Cirrus | Network heterogeneity and population dynamics |
2024.10023.CPCA.A0 | Deucalion | Particle jet identification at ATLAS-LHC-CERN experiment using graph neural networks |
2024.10043.CPCA.A0 | Deucalion | Tracking Humans and Personal Objects with Machine Learning |
2024.10140.CPCA.A0 | Deucalion | Spatiotemporal analysis of global biodiversity trends of freshwaters ecosystems: a lesson from a screening of 70 years and multiple biodiversity facets |
2024.10157.CPCA.A0 | Deucalion | Zero-shot learning Forest simulation using multi-spectral images and vegetation taxonomy |
2024.10162.CPCA.A0 | Deucalion | Bayesian Computational Psychometrics: Developing and Adapting Psychometric Instruments |
2024.07846.CPCA.A1 | Deucalion | MetaExtreme: Metagenomics-driven bioprospection of biomolecules from extreme environments |
2024.07859.CPCA.A1 | Deucalion | Structural Phase Transitions of Ca-based Perovskites under extreme conditions |
2024.07874.CPCA.A1 | Deucalion | Probabilistic Analysis of Detached Low-Crested Breakwaters Stability based on Physical and Numerical Modelling |
2024.07877.CPCA.A1 | Deucalion | Simulations of nutrient dynamics across large domains |
2024.07879.CPCA.A1 | Cirrus | Genome sequencing on Eurasian ancient and modern Human |
2024.07912.CPCA.A1 | Deucalion | The effect of DMSO on drug partition to and permeation across biological membranes: a preparatory study |
2024.08496.CPCA.A1 | Deucalion | Parallel Strategies for Multiobjective Stochastic Simulation Using High-Performance Computing |
2024.08665.CPCA.A1 | Deucalion | Continuously Monitored Systems |
2024.09026.CPCA.A1 | Cirrus | Automated Flat Circuit-Level Topology Generation |
2024.09342.CPCA.A1 | Cirrus | The Cosmic Gamma-ray Horizon II |
2024.09639.CPCA.A1 | Deucalion | CFD modelling of surcharging manholes with lids during urban flood events |
2024.09642.CPCA.A1 | Deucalion | A User-Friendly Platform for dMRI Tractography Integrating Parallel Computing Strategies |
2024.09721.CPCA.A1 | Deucalion | Mechanical behavior of polymeric nanocomposites with carbon honeycombs using Molecular Dynamics Simulations. |
2024.09848.CPCA.A1 | Cirrus | Computational Exploration of V- and Nb-Containing Li-ion Conducting Glasses: From Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics Simulations to NMR Parameter Analysis |
2024.10004.CPCA.A1 | Deucalion | Monitoring vegetation losses over Portugal from Sentinel-2 imagery with change detection and deep learning |
2024.10018.CPCA.A1 | Cirrus | Evaluating the Viability of BEAST Software for Accurate Phylogenetic Dating |
2024.10060.CPCA.A1 | Deucalion | Lusitanian toadfish de novo genome assembly and annotation. |
2024.10078.CPCA.A1 | Deucalion | Neural Architecture Search and Hyperparameter Optimization of chemometric deep learning models for mango internal quality prediction. |
4ª edition of Call Advanced Computing Projects
List of 163 approvedprojects, including the first projects in Deucalion and MareNostrum 5
Project Reference | Platform | Title |
2023.10385.CPCA.A0 | LCAUC_Navigator | HPC-Powered Simulations for Flame and Combustion Control with Dielectric Barrier Discharge Plasma Actuators |
2023.10386.CPCA.A0 | HPCUÉ_Oblivion | Towards a Transfer-based Explainable Artificial Intelligence in ECG-based Diagnosis for Cardiac Disorders by Using Knowledge-Based Modules |
2023.10427.CPCA.A0 | INCD_Cirrus and Stratus | Simulation of neutral and stratified atmospheric flows for wind energy applications using OpenFOAM coupled with mesoscale model simulations |
2023.10485.CPCA.A0 | INCD_Cirrus and Stratus | WindSyn - Large scale wind data modelling, forecasting and synthetic generation |
2023.10664.CPCA.A0 | INCD_Cirrus and Stratus | Deep generative models for data augmentation in fault detection |
2023.10733.CPCA.A0 | INCD_Cirrus and Stratus | Unsteady Ventilation CFD simulation on test room |
2023.10755.CPCA.A0 | HPCUÉ_Oblivion and Vision | Multi-modal Point Cloud and RGB-D Image Fusion for 3D Occupancy Estimation using Transformers |
2023.10765.CPCA.A0 | LCAUC_Navigator | Machine learning -based usage of WiFi spectrum for connected mobility support |
2023.10766.CPCA.A0 | HPCUÉ_Oblivion and Vision | Enhancing Biomedical Question Answering for BioASQ 12th edition |
2023.10769.CPCA.A0 | INCD_Cirrus and Stratus | NNx3D: Neural Networks and ion beam analysis techniques for 3D imaging |
2023.10776.CPCA.A0 | HPCUÉ_Oblivion | A Julia Parallel Data Analytics Software to Process Massive Volumes of Simulations Data |
2023.10672.CPCA.A0 | INCD_Cirrus and Stratus | CFD computation of the heat transfer and pressure loss coefficients for CORE type power transformer windings. |
2023.10667.CPCA.A0 | INCD_Cirrus and Stratus | New systems simulations for thermal energy storage |
2023.10382.CPCA.A1 | INCD | Cirrus | Variation of fundamental constants - Constraining models beyond the Standard Model of Cosmology |
2023.10436.CPCA.A1 | INCD | Cirrus | SpikeLig: Affinity ligands towards the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein |
2023.10445.CPCA.A1 | INCD | Cirrus | Genome sequencing on Eurasian ancient and modern Human |
2023.10478.CPCA.A1 | INCD | Cirrus | Thermodynamics of Clathrate Hydrates containing CO2 |
2023.10484.CPCA.A1 | LCAUC_Navigator | Analysis of Biomolecules in Biochemistry |
2023.10573.CPCA.A1 | HPC-UE | Vision | Tricriticality in 4D U(1) Lattice Gauge Theory |
2023.10635.CPCA.A1 | INCD | Cirrus | Search for New Physics at the LHC |
2023.10650.CPCA.A1 | HPC-UE | Oblivion | Understanding the oligomeric assembly of Lys49 sPLA2-like phospholipases in search of their mechanism of action |
2023.10661.CPCA.A1 | LCA-UC | Navigator | Computational design of chitosan-based adsorbents for antibiotic removal |
2023.10678.CPCA.A1 | HPC-UE | Vision | Large-scale Genomic Investigation of Molecular Selection Signatures for Tuberculosis Drug Discovery |
2023.10683.CPCA.A1 | HPC-UE | Oblivion | Computational mapping of the chemical subspace of 3d-metal catalysts for oxidative transformations |
2023.10736.CPCA.A1 | HPC-UE | Oblivion | Study of Dion Jacobson layered structures for efficient energy materials |
2023.10743.CPCA.A1 | INCD | Cirrus | Direct Optimization of Energetic Particles in Fusion Energy Devices |
2023.10756.CPCA.A1 | HPC-UE | Oblivion | Large scale calculations of atomic parameters for astrophysical spectral fitting using AUTOSTRUCTURE |
2023.10771.CPCA.A1 | HPC-UE | Vision | Towards a Deep Learning HRTF solution |
2023.10774.CPCA.A1 | LCA-UC | Navigator | Advanced machine learning models for cellular steel beams to predict the capacity and corresponding failure modes |
2023.10781.CPCA.A1 | INCD | Cirrus | Uncovering the Transport Mechanism of the Carboxylic Acid Transporters from Aspergillus niger |
2023.10782.CPCA.A1 | INCD | Cirrus | The genomic ancestry of prehistoric human populations in Northern Portugal |
2023.11083.CPCA.A0 | INCD | Cirrus | Computational Exploration of Large RNA Molecules through Molecular Dynamics Simulations |
2023.11473.CPCA.A0 | LCA-UC | Navigator | Exploring the community structure and dynamics within large biochemical networks |
2023.11983.CPCA.A0 | HPC-UE | Vision | Zero-shot learning Forest simulation using multi-spectral images and vegetation taxonomy |
2023.12737.CPCA.A0 | HPC-UE | Vision | Analysis of genomic datasets related with aging and the cell cycle |
2023.13303.CPCA.A0 | INCD | Cirrus | "Reinforcement Learning for Vehicle Routing Problems with Time Windows |
2023.13332.CPCA.A0 | INCD | Stratus | iSTARS research platform for health data science |
2023.13702.CPCA.A0 | HPC-UE | Vision | Extracting Catalysis Data using Large Language Models |
2023.14012.CPCA.A0 | LCA-UC | Navigator | Global diversity and catch variation of small pelagic fish in the end of the 21st century |
2023.14067.CPCA.A0 | LCA-UC | Navigator | Components for Advanced Driven Assistive Systems (ADAS) - Collision detection |
2023.14302.CPCA.A0 | HPC-UE |Oblivion | Implementation of a Constant-pH Molecular Dynamics Simulation Protocol for proteins and its application to the study of the binding of the SARS-CoV-2 S S-protein to the ACE2 human protein receptor |
2023.12964.CPCA.A0 | LCA-UC | Navigator | Is string theory falsifiable? |
2023.14197.CPCA.A0 | LCA-UC | Navigator | Numerical Modeling of Ribbing and Misting in Roll Coating |
2023.10837.CPCA.A1 | LCA-UC | Navigator | Comparative Phylogenetic Analyses of Klebsiella pneumoniae for Genomic Characterization |
2023.10864.CPCA.A1 | HPC-UE |Oblivion | Continuously Monitored Systems |
2023.11060.CPCA.A1 | INCD | Stratus | Enhancing National Research Data Accessibility through Federated European Genome-phenome Archive |
2023.11548.CPCA.A1 | LCA-UC | Navigator | Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Ion Implantation into Gallium Oxide |
2023.12001.CPCA.A1 | INCD | Cirrus | Exploring Fundamental Molecular Processes in the Aggregation Inhibition of α-Synuclein: Study of Oligomers of the Full Protein and Truncated Variants |
2023.13272.CPCA.A1 | LCA-UC | Navigator | Mapping dark energy with the Euclid satellite |
2023.13841.CPCA.A1 | HPC-UE |Oblivion | Ab-initio Study of the Naturally Layered Ferroelectric Li2SrNb2O7 |
2023.13859.CPCA.A1 | LCA-UC | Navigator | Linear scaling methods for the study of superconductivity in quasiperiodic moiré systems |
2023.13974.CPCA.A1 | INCD | Cirrus | Computational Exploration of Niobium-Containing Glasses: From Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics Simulations to NMR Parameter Analysis |
2023.14066.CPCA.A1 | HPC-UE |Oblivion | Ab-initio insights into Ruddlesden-Popper Ferroelectrics towards Energy Efficient Materials |
2023.14249.CPCA.A1 | HPC-UE |Oblivion and Vision | Computing Network Motif Fingerprints using Graph Neural Networks |
2023.14274.CPCA.A1 | HPC-UE |Oblivion | Benchmark and scalability tests of massively-parallel gyromotion applications for nuclear-fusion devices |
2023.14317.CPCA.A1 | HPC-UE |Oblivion and Vision | Implementing and Evaluating AI-Driven Evolution in Cyber-Physical Systems |
2023.14329.CPCA.A1 | INCD | Cirrus | Parallelization of cpw2000 |
2023.14342.CPCA.A1 | INCD | Stratus | Advanced Genomic Data Processing in Portuguese FEGA Node |
2023.14361.CPCA.A1 | HPC-UE |Oblivion and Vision | Interplay between quasiperiodicity and interactions in one-dimensional super-moiré systems |
2024.00047.CPCA.A0 | LCA-UC | Navigator | CFD modelling of manholes during urban flood events. |
2024.00163.CPCA.A0 | HPC-UE |Oblivion and Vision | Stellar spectral modelling with advanced computational methods |
2024.02766.CPCA.A0 | INCD | Cirrus | Zoonomed - Iberian species of the Mediterranean ecosystem as reservoirs for emerging zoonotic viruses |
2024.02988.CPCA.A0 | HPC-UE |Oblivion | Modeling of single-crystal-to-single-crystal transitions in heterometallic metal-organic frameworks |
2024.00030.CPCA.A1 | HPC-UE |Oblivion | Ab-initio modeling of carbon-based minerals |
2024.00137.CPCA.A1 | INCD | Cirrus | GEMINI (Digital twins for sustainable tourism futures) |
2024.00150.CPCA.A1 | INCD | Cirrus | MOONSHAPES: measuring the shapes of millions of galaxies with spectroscopy follow-up |
2024.00191.CPCA.A1 | HPC-UE |Vision | OptXAI: Constrained Optimization in NNs for Explainable, Ethical and Greener AI |
2024.00207.CPCA.A1 | Deucalion | Stability of quantum liquid phases against environment-induced dissipation |
2024.02249.CPCA.A1 | HPC-UE |Oblivion | MALAGO - MAchine Learning Aided Graph theory Optimization Applied to Molecular Dynamics (Part 2) |
2024.00036.CPCA.A1 | HPCUÉ|Oblivion and Vision + INCD | Stratus | High-Performance Computing for Enhanced Virtual Power Plant Efficiency |
2023.10865.CPCA.A1 | INCD | Cirrus and Stratus | Secure Horizons: Transforming Healthcare with Federated Learning and Cloud Computing |
2023.10894.CPCA.A1 | INCD | Cirrus | Genome sequencing on Eurasian ancient and modern Human |
2023.10412.CPCA.A2 | LCA-UC | Navigator | Lattice Boltzmann modelling of active nematics in heterogeneous activity fields |
2023.10437.CPCA.A2 | INCD | Cirrus | Computational Toolbox for Discovery of new Affinity Ligands |
2023.10449.CPCA.A2 | LCA-UC | Navigator | Multidimensional Tunneling Calculations: Exploring New Reactivity Paradigms to Drive Chemical Transformations |
2023.10452.CPCA.A2 | INCD | Cirrus | Simulation of component dispersion in water - waterscd |
2023.10492.CPCA.A2 | INCD | Stratus | Capacity building in genomic epidemiology of viral threats through expansion of INSaFLU and training provision |
2023.10506.CPCA.A2 | INCD | Cirrus | Simulation of gas-liquid and liquid-liquid flows in stirred systems |
2023.10526.CPCA.A2 | INCD | Cirrus | Fundamental physics with neutron stars and their mergers |
2023.10530.CPCA.A2 | LCA-UC | Navigator | SuperGraCOF - Superconducting Graphene/Covalent Organic frameworks bilayers studied by large scale atomistic methods |
2023.10584.CPCA.A2 | INCD | Cirrus | Unveiling imidacloprid-aminoacids interactions by electronic-structure calculations - towards a pesticide adsorbing material |
2023.10598.CPCA.A2 | HPC-UE |Oblivion | A computationally assisted drug development pipeline for challenging cancers with very few effective therapeutic options |
2023.10643.CPCA.A2 | HPC-UE |Oblivion | Coarse-grain computer model to unravel key aspects in phospholipid-based biological membranes-drug nanocarriers interactions |
2023.10649.CPCA.A2 | INCD | Cirrus | ConfCof - How conformation and stacking influence electronic properties of Covalent Organic Frameworks. An ab-initio investigation. |
2023.10674.CPCA.A2 | HPC-UE |Oblivion | Time-quasiperiodic magnetic dynamos |
2023.10680.CPCA.A2 | INCD | Cirrus and Stratus | Investigations on Electrohydrodynamic Atomization: High-Fidelity Simulations of Taylor Cone Jet Atomization for Optimized Electrospray Processes |
2023.10710.CPCA.A2 | INCD | Cirrus | Optimizing MDR-Evading Drugs: Unveiling P-gp Transport Dynamics |
2023.10740.CPCA.A2 | INCD | Cirrus | ComputReactors: Advanced computational design of novel chemical reactors |
2023.10746.CPCA.A2 | HPC-UE |Oblivion | Eutectic hydrogels as electrolytes for batteries |
2023.10811.CPCA.A2 | INCD | Cirrus | Solvent-in-salt electrolytes for safe and efficient energy storage: Multiscale Theoretical Approach |
2023.10823.CPCA.A2 | INCD | Cirrus | In silico design and optimization of peptides as biotechnological tools in the development of new cosmetic and pharmaceutical solutions |
2023.10828.CPCA.A2 | HPC-UE |Oblivion | Harnessing Genomic Data Towards the Implementation of Global Surveillance for Tuberculosis: Enabling CPLP-TB Genomics Across Portuguese Speaking Countries |
2023.10857.CPCA.A2 | INCD | Cirrus | Optical excitation of spin waves in 2D ferromagnets |
2023.10867.CPCA.A2 | INCD | Cirrus | Journal of Data Science, Statistics, and Visualization |
2023.10892.CPCA.A2 | LCA-UC | Navigator | Quantifying radiative heat flux and firebrand attack from wildfires at the Wildland-Urban Interface using physics-based models |
2023.10904.CPCA.A2 | HPC-UE |Oblivion | Atomistic and thermodynamic characterization of the capabilities of bacterial sulfide:quinone reductase on the conversion of pollutant sulfide to elemental sulfur |
2023.10916.CPCA.A2 | INCD | Cirrus | CaCau: Cancer Causality for Precision Oncology | Phase 2 |
2023.10947.CPCA.A2 | LCA-UC | Navigator | Towards High statistical lattice computation of QCD Green functions in Landau gauge |
2023.10968.CPCA.A2 | LCA-UC | Navigator | Advanced design and optimization of steel portal frames using machine learning models |
2023.10973.CPCA.A2 | INCD | Stratus | RePo-EfluxPump - Repurposing drugs to inhibit antibiotic efflux pumps. |
2023.10981.CPCA.A2 | LCA-UC | Navigator | Quantum tunneling and transient switching dynamics in molecular rotor architectures |
2023.11003.CPCA.A2 | LCA-UC | Navigator | High-throughput search for efficient thermoelectrics |
2023.11029.CPCA.A2 | INCD | Cirrus | Effective string theory of flux tubes |
2023.11050.CPCA.A2 | HPC-UE |Oblivion | Unveiling CALF20 polymorphic transformation upon CO2 adsorption using a combination of computational and NMR methods |
2024.11062.CPCA.A3 | Deucalion | Masers in Astrophysical Plasmas (MAPs): unveiling the coherent emission of Pulsars, Magnetars and their connection with Fast Radio Bursts |
2024.11063.CPCA.A3 | Deucalion | Dynamical lattice QCD simulations at finite temperature II |
2024.12814.CPCA.A3 | Deucalion | PILARS: Particle and intense-laser interactions, acceleration, and radiation sources |
2024.13348.CPCA.A3 | Deucalion | Membrane Permeability of Small Cyclic Peptides for Treating Sickle Cell Anemia |
2024.13633.CPCA.A3 | Deucalion | The surface chemistry of MXenes under explicit water solvent conditions |
2024.14020.CPCA.A3 | Deucalion | GPU accelerated Gravitational Wave Astronomy |
2024.14108.CPCA.A3 | Deucalion | Cosmos Sounds: Unveiling Dark Matter's Influence on Neutron Star Characteristics via Gravitational Wave Signatures |
2024.14230.CPCA.A3 | Deucalion | BioAccel: Leveraging A64FX CPUs and A100 GPUs for High-Speed Bioinformatics |
2024.14294.CPCA.A3 | Deucalion | Computational screening for conventional superconducting materials |
2024.14300.CPCA.A3 | Deucalion | Impact of dominance and hybridization on adaptation: combining new bioinformatic methods with omics data from endemic Iberian freshwater fish |
2024.14346.CPCA.A3 | Deucalion | Evolutionary genomics of rapid evolutionary radiations |
2024.14450.CPCA.A3 | Deucalion | Investigation of the turbulent energy cascade in viscoelastic fluids at high Reynolds numbers by means of direct numerical simulations |
2024.14663.CPCA.A3 | Deucalion | AGELESS: Targeting GPCR Dimers to Conquer Neurological Diseases |
2024.14673.CPCA.A3 | Deucalion | High-resolution modelling of atmospheric flows over complex terrain |
2024.14686.CPCA.A3 | Deucalion | exaSIMPLE: A Hybrid ML-CFD SIMPLE Algorithm for the Exascale Era |
LCA-UC|NAvigator | ||
2024.00163.CPCA.A0 | HPC-UÉ | Vision | Stellar spectral modelling with advanced computational methods |
2024.02766.CPCA.A0 | INCD | CIRRUS | Zoonomed - Iberian species of the Mediterranean ecosystem as reservoirs for emerging zoonotic viruses |
2024.02988.CPCA.A0 | HPC-UÉ | Oblivion | Modeling of single-crystal-to-single-crystal transitions in heterometallic metal-organic frameworks |
2024.00030.CPCA.A1 | HPC-UÉ | Oblivion | Ab-initio modeling of carbon-based minerals |
2024.00137.CPCA.A1 | INCD | Cirrus | GEMINI (Digital twins for sustainable tourism futures) |
2024.00150.CPCA.A1 | INCD | Cirrus | MOONSHAPES: measuring the shapes of millions of galaxies with spectroscopy follow-up |
2024.00191.CPCA.A1 | HPC-UÉ Oblivion and Vision | OptXAI: Constrained Optimization in NNs for Explainable, Ethical and Greener AI |
2024.00207.CPCA.A1 | Deucalion | Stability of quantum liquid phases against environment-induced dissipation |
2024.02249.CPCA.A1 | HPC-UÉ | Oblivion | MALAGO - MAchine Learning Aided Graph theory Optimization Applied to Molecular Dynamics (Part 2) |
2024.00036.CPCA.A1 | HPC-UÉ & INCD | High-Performance Computing for Enhanced Virtual Power Plant Efficiency |
2024.03106.CPCA.A0 | INCD | Cirrus | Transportation Mode Detection from GPS trajectory dataset. |
2024.03686.CPCA.A0 | INCD | Cirrus | Wrinkles and all |
2024.04534.CPCA.A0 | Deucalion | Optimizing light-matter interactions at scale for optomics digital phenotyping |
2024.06934.CPCA.A0 | Deucalion | Efficient Parallelism for Distributed Training of Multi-Modal AI Models |
2024.06989.CPCA.A0 | HPC-UÉ | Vision | Deep learning model for rainfall and runoff prediction. |
2024.06991.CPCA.A0 | INCD | Cirrus | Climate Change and Public Health: Assessing Future Risks of Air Pollution and Heat-Related Mortality |
2024.07028.CPCA.A0 | INCD | Cirrus | GPU-accelerated immune cell disentanglement using SVMs and CNNs |
2024.07033.CPCA.A0 | Deucalion | Computational algebraic geometry |
2024.07034.CPCA.A0 | INCD | Cirrus | Monitoring vegetation losses over Portugal from Sentinel-2 imagery |
2024.07039.CPCA.A0 | INCD | Cirrus | PLAYSAFE4ALL - An Open Access Sports Management, Injury Surveillance, Prevention and Education Platform for Amateur Sports |
2024.07056.CPCA.A0 | INCD | Cirrus & Stratus | Simulation of Separation Processes using a stationary solid phase: fixed bed and membranes. |
2024.07060.CPCA.A0 | HPC-UÉ | Oblivion | Modelling group-IV optical centers in diamond: structure and electric field interactions |
2024.07066.CPCA.A0 | INCD | Cirrus & Stratus | BroadAlert: Automatic Generation of Distributed Algorithms for IoT with Machine Learning |
2024.04745.CPCA.A1 | HPC-UÉ | Oblivion | Defects in ultra-wide-gap nitride semiconductors |
2024.06915.CPCA.A1 | Deucalion | Development of foundational machine-learning models for the MS-based metabolomics classification of yeast strains combining Formulae Difference Graphs and Few-Shot Learning |
2024.06972.CPCA.A1 | INCD | Cirrus | Application of COAWST for sediment transport studies on Madeira Island. |
2024.06986.CPCA.A1 | INCD | Cirrus | Exploring LLMs for Mental Health Aiding Systems |
2024.06988.CPCA.A1 | Deucalion | Exploring structural dynamics of viral fusion proteins using Molecular Dynamics simulations |
2024.07001.CPCA.A1 | INCD | Cirrus | Hydrodynamics of marine and offshore structures based on Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) |
2024.07005.CPCA.A1 | Deucalion | Noise aware quantum algorithms and classical simulators in the NISQ era |
2024.07009.CPCA.A1 | INCD | Cirrus | Limits of adaptation to climate change: combining new bioinformatic methods with genomic data from weasels and hares |
2024.07024.CPCA.A1 | INCD | Cirrus | Modelling the Statistical Distribution of n-grams in Large Natural Language Corpora |
2024.07037.CPCA.A1 | Deucalion | Probing dark matter and cosmological domain walls with gravitational wave physics |
2024.07038.CPCA.A1 | INCD | Cirrus | Data analysis of Whole Genome Resequencing large size datasets. |
2024.07051.CPCA.A1 | LCA-UC | Navigator | Probing Lithium and Sodium Salts for Enhanced Energy Storage using Molecular Dynamics Simulations |
2024.07063.CPCA.A1 | LCA-UC | Navigator | Thermomechanical finite element analysis of laser-powder bed fusion |
2024.07065.CPCA.A1 | Deucalion | Efficient computation and simulation of complex materials in advanced manufacturing processes |
2024.07077.CPCA.A1 | Deucalion | Human-pain-sensitive Human-Robot Collaboration Control based on Artificial Intelligence |
2024.07080.CPCA.A1 | Deucalion | Extracting and Analyzing Catalysis Data using Fine-Tuned Large Language Models |
2024.07086.CPCA.A1 | INCD | Cirrus | HYPER-SOLVER: Hybrid Parallel and Distributed Swarm and Evolutionary Robust Optimization Algorithms for Solving Large-Scale Nonlinear Equation Systems and High-Dimensional PDEs |
2024.07087.CPCA.A1 | INCD | Stratus | FAULTAGE: Generating Fault-Tolerant Consensus Algorithms with Reinforcement Learning |
2024.07091.CPCA.A1 | Deucalion | Bayesian Optimization of a two-stage Laser Wakefield Accelerator |
2024.07093.CPCA.A1 | LCA-UC | Navigator | Time-dependent DFT studies of the clusteroluminescence in organic salts |
2024.06987.CPCA.A3 | MareNostrum 5 | Modeling Extreme Plasma Accelerators and Light Sources |
2024.07059.CPCA.A3 | MareNostrum 5 | Exploring accretion and spacetime models for event-horizon-scale observations of low-luminosity active galactic nuclei |
2024.07061.CPCA.A3 | Deucalion | Construction and analysis of the Graph-based Pangenome of the Model-Organism Saccharomyces cerevisiae, of Nakaseomyces glabratus and of pathogenic bacteria belonging to the Burkholderia genus |
2024.07067.CPCA.A3 | Deucalion | Numerical studies of recirculation in wall-bounded viscoelastic turbulence in non-trivial geometries. |
2024.07076.CPCA.A3 | Deucalion | Harnessing Neural Network Potentials to Model CO2 Adsorption Mechanisms in Solid Sorbents |
2024.07090.CPCA.A3 | MareNostrum 5 | Ab initio search of opto-electronics' materials |
3rd edition of Call Advanced Computing Projects
List of 140 approvedprojects
Project Reference | Platform | Title |
2022.17881.CPCA.A0 | HPCUÉ_Oblivion | Large scale calculations of atomic parameters for astrophysical spectral fitting using High Performance Computing |
2022.23037.CPCA.A0 | INCD_Cirrus | INSaFLU Snakemake |
2022.26279.CPCA.A0 | INCD_Cirrus | Evolution of Knotted Proteins with AlphaFold |
2022.26855.CPCA.A0 | HPCUÉ_Oblivion | RNA signatures as risk markers in cancers triggered by smoking habits |
2022.27068.CPCA.A0 | LCAUC_Navigator | TMFinder |
2022.27818.CPCA.A0 | HPCUÉ_Oblivion and Vision | Self- and semi-supervised learning for vehicle make and model recognition in images |
2022.28046.CPCA.A0 | INCD_Cirrus | Search for molecular modulators of Foxo3a activity |
2022.28078.CPCA.A0 | LCAUC_Navigator | LES Analysis of Ejector Mixing Processes |
2022.28117.CPCA.A0 | LCAUC_Navigator | Deep generative models for promising cancer targets |
2022.38032.CPCA.A0 | INCD_Cirrus | Interactions between mechanisms of reproductive isolation |
2022.38089.CPCA.A0 | INCD_Cirrus and Stratus | The effects of citizen science image quality on deep learning models for fish species classification |
2022.38203.CPCA.A0 | INCD_Cirrus | Metamaterial design |
2022.39784.CPCA.A0 | HPCUÉ_Oblivion | Calculation of Au Highly Charged Ions' Dielectronic Recombination Rates |
2022.40532.CPCA.A0 | HPCUÉ_Oblivion | Bayesian Evidence Calculation for Strong Field QED tests with He-Like Ions |
2022.41755.CPCA.A0 | INCD_Cirrus and Stratus | MMCAT- Molecular Mechanisms of Carboxylic Acid Transporters |
2022.42199.CPCA.A0 | LCAUC_Navigator | Construction of the Gene-based Pangenome of the model-organism Saccharomyces cerevisiae |
2022.42446.CPCA.A0 | INCD_Cirrus and Stratus | Standard-language GPU acceleration for kinetic simulations in plasma physics |
2022.42466.CPCA.A0 | LCAUC_Navigator | Continuously Monitored Systems |
2022.42471.CPCA.A0 | HPCUÉ_Oblivion and Vision | Towards an atomic-level understanding of the interaction of CO2 molecules with functional groups in porous silicas |
2022.42626.CPCA.A0 | HPCUÉ_Oblivion and Vision | OpTIMAL NGS - New Generation Storage Towards a Sustainable Energy System |
2022.46814.CPCA.A0 | INCD_Cirrus and Stratus | MitoProfiles: Gene Expression Landscape in Cancers from High Metabolic Rate Organs |
2022.54670.CPCA.A0 | HPCUÉ_Oblivion and Vision | Bio-QAG: Biomedical Question-Answering with Passage Retrieval and Generative Language Models |
2022.55180.CPCA.A0 | INCD_Cirrus | Evaluation of stratification mechanisms on different thermal energy storage systems |
2022.55201.CPCA.A0 | INCD_Cirrus | Unsteady ventilation CFD simulation on a closed test room. |
2022.56669.CPCA.A0 | INCD_Cirrus | Keep Pace: Selection of trees keeping pace with fast environmental changes, a science based approach for sustainable XXI century Oak forests - KeePace. |
2022.56778.CPCA.A0 | INCD_Cirrus and Stratus | Vehicle Aerodynamics studies using CFD, |
2022.56990.CPCA.A0 | LCAUC_Navigator | Characterization of antibacterial molecules through electronic structure calculations and computational learning methods |
2022.57089.CPCA.A0 | LCAUC_Navigator | Carbohydrate-templated structures for detection and removal of water pollutants |
2022.57951.CPCA.A0 | INCD_Cirrus | Hybrid Parallel Computational Intelligence Algorithms for Large-Scale Nonlinear Equation Systems |
2022.58004.CPCA.A0 | HPCUÉ_Oblivion and Vision | Personalized Acoustic Simulation Optimization |
2022.58205.CPCA.A0 | INCD_Cirrus | Bioinformatic analysis of the virome of sharks and rays |
2022.58671.CPCA.A0 | HPCUÉ_Oblivion and Vision | Machine Learning for Plasma Density and Temperature Diagnostics |
2022.58848.CPCA.A0 | HPCUÉ_Oblivion and Vision | CAPACITY - ClimAte change imPACt assessment on aIr qualiTY and human health |
2022.59005.CPCA.A0 | INCD_Cirrus and Stratus | Computing the Portuguese wildland urban interface from land cover maps |
2022.59037.CPCA.A0 | INCD_Cirrus and Stratus | Deep Learning for forecasting and unsupervised anomaly detection in multi-dimensional time-series data |
2022.59222.CPCA.A0 | INCD_Cirrus | Using Computational Fluid Dynamics models to assess the impact of atmospheric turbulence on free-space optics |
2022.69797.CPCA.A0 | INCD_Cirrus | Vine and Wine - Recovering Portugal - PRR |
2022.72436.CPCA.A0 | INCD_Cirrus | Uncertainty in the Discrete Fourier Transform |
2022.72657.CPCA.A0 | LCAUC_Navigator | Safety analysis of buildings in contact with wildfire through computational simulation |
2022.72694.CPCA.A0 | INCD_Cirrus | Variation of fundamental constants - Constraining models beyond the Standard Model of Cosmology |
2022.73180.CPCA.A0 | LCAUC_Navigator | High-Fidelity Simulation of Atomization of Taylor Cone Jets for Electrospinning/Electrospray Application |
2022.73550.CPCA.A0 | INCD_Cirrus | Detection of low-frequency DNA variants in bacterial populations using ensemble machine learning |
2022.73688.CPCA.A0 | INCD_Cirrus and Stratus | Solving Distributed Systems' Problems using Generative AI |
2022.74087.CPCA.A0 | HPCUÉ_Oblivion | Electronic structure and reactivity of large homo- and heterometallic polynuclear clusters |
2022.74292.CPCA.A0 | INCD_Cirrus | AgeID - Automatic age reading in fish otoliths using convolutional neural networks for the optimization of fisheries stock assessment |
2022.74481.CPCA.A0 | INCD_Cirrus | Algarve Fit Ageing Score - MultiOmics |
2022.63137.CPCA.A0 | HPCUÉ_Oblivion | Carbon-Fuel Monitoring System for Nationwide Forest Resource Assessments Using Advanced Remote Sensing Technologies |
2022.74920.CPCA.A0 | HPCUÉ_Oblivion | High-performance computing projects climate change impacts on global marine biodiversity |
2022.75018.CPCA.A0 | HPCUÉ_Oblivion and Vision | Deep Neural Networks for Spectrogram Analysis |
2022.75021.CPCA.A0 | INCD_Cirrus and Stratus | Spatial Data Science Services for COVID-19 Pandemic |
2022.75045.CPCA.A0 | HPCUÉ_Oblivion | Expanding the target space for novel anti-Tuberculosis drugs using large scale phylogenomics |
2022.75114.CPCA.A0 | INCD_Cirrus and Stratus | AstroSOM: Unveiling Cosmic Evolution with Self-Organizing Maps |
2022.75159.CPCA.A0 | INCD_Cirrus | COSMIC-H0ST: probing supernova Ia host galaxies and their impact on cosmological parameter estimation |
2022.75192.CPCA.A0 | HPCUÉ_Oblivion | OpenFoam Performance and Scalability Analysis in Plasma Discharges Simulations |
2022.75198.CPCA.A0 | INCD_Cirrus | Shedding light on the Pangenome of Helicobacter pylori and its phages |
2022.75203.CPCA.A0 | INCD_Cirrus | Investigating the genomics changes during co-evolution between herbivores |
2022.75208.CPCA.A0 | HPCUÉ_Oblivion | MALAGO - MAchine Learning Aided Graph theory Optimization Applied to Density Functional Theory |
2022.75218.CPCA.A0 | INCD_Cirrus | Simulating eco-evolutionary dynamics of predator-prey interactions in structured environments |
2022.75263.CPCA.A0 | HPCUÉ_Oblivion and Vision | Adapting deep-learning architectures for NIR spectral analysis. |
2022.75275.CPCA.A0 | INCD_Cirrus and Stratus | Reverse engineering of genetic regulatory networks underlying stem cell differentiation and cardiogenesis |
2022.75281.CPCA.A0 | LCAUC_Navigator | Hunting for Obscured Supermassive Black Holes using HPC-Warp speed |
2022.75290.CPCA.A0 | HPCUÉ_Oblivion and Vision | HPC onboarding |
2022.15610.CPCA.A1 | INCD_Cirrus and Stratus | Investigation of 3D Modeling of Uniaxial Elongational Rheometry Test Through SER Device Using Viscoelastic Material |
2022.15625.CPCA.A1 | LCAUC_Navigator | Scalability tests for a new viscoelastic extension to the Incompact3d flow solver |
2022.15641.CPCA.A1 | LCAUC_Navigator | Modelling fire spread from forest to the built environment at the Wildland-Urban Interface (WUI) using Fire Dynamics Simulator |
2022.15770.CPCA.A1 | HPCUÉ_Oblivion and Vision | Integrative analysis of histological images and gene expression for phenotype association in human tissues |
2022.15773.CPCA.A1 | LCAUC_Navigator | Assessing the Effectiveness of Defect Prediction-based Unit Tests at Localizing Faults |
2022.15784.CPCA.A1 | LCAUC_Navigator | Simulation of turbulent gas-liquid flows in stirred systems |
2022.15800.CPCA.A1 | INCD_Cirrus | Genetic Programming for Genomics Interpretation |
2022.15834.CPCA.A1 | HPCUÉ_Oblivion | The interplay between quasiperiodicity and interactions in 1D |
2022.15842.CPCA.A1 | LCAUC_Navigator | Design of Carbon-based Materials for Pesticides Adsorption by computational methodologies |
2022.15843.CPCA.A1 | HPCUÉ_Oblivion | Exploring the interactions of a streptogramin B antibiotic to an antibiotic degrading enzyme, to devise new strategies to tackle antibiotic resistance |
2022.15844.CPCA.A1 | HPCUÉ_Oblivion | Tidal Disruption Events of stars by the Super Massive Black Hole Sgr A* and formation of accretion discs, using the Kerr metrics. |
2022.15852.CPCA.A1 | INCD_Cirrus | Automated Flat Circuit-Level Topology Generation |
2022.15854.CPCA.A1 | INCD_Cirrus | Hypersingular Fast Multipole Boundary Domain Element methods for the solution of the Navier-Stokes equations in two and three dimensions. Application of method in the calculation of the flow past obstacles and wall shear stress in bioengineering problems. |
2022.15861.CPCA.A1 | LCAUC_Navigator | Stochastic Computation of Large-Scale Matrix Functions |
2022.15868.CPCA.A1 | HPCUÉ_Oblivion and Vision | Reshaping nanoformulations with sustainable biobased molecules using computational modelling |
2022.15880.CPCA.A1 | INCD_Cirrus | Language Driven Image Design with Diffusion |
2022.15887.CPCA.A1 | HPCUÉ_Oblivion and Vision | DIMCO2 - Scalability and Tuning of Data Intensive Machine Learning Models for COVID-19 related symptomology early detection |
2022.15894.CPCA.A1 | INCD_Cirrus and Stratus | Probing Dark Matter in the Galaxy: constraints from disk non-linearity and halo composition |
2022.15901.CPCA.A1 | LCAUC_Navigator | Multidimensional Tunneling Calculations: Exploring New Reactivity Paradigms to Drive Chemical Transformations |
2022.15910.CPCA.A1 | HPCUÉ_Oblivion | Twisted bilayer graphene: Incommensurability meets Interactions |
2022.15912.CPCA.A1 | INCD_Cirrus | BioM2D: BioMaterials Molecular Dynamics for biopharmaceutical purification - feasibility study using HPC |
2022.15913.CPCA.A1 | INCD_Cirrus | α-Synuclein Oligomers and Small Fibers: The Role of Linear and Cyclic Peptides on Aggregation |
2022.15930.CPCA.A1 | LCAUC_Navigator | Machine learning models for steel members subjected to fire |
2022.15931.CPCA.A1 | HPCUÉ_Oblivion | Exploring at the atomic-level solid-gas interactions in polysaccharide-based materials for CO2 capture combining computational and NMR methods |
2023.00015.CPCA.A1 | LCAUC_Navigator | Improving and understanding membrane processes performance through CFD simulations |
2023.05206.CPCA.A1 | INCD_Cirrus | Atmospheric pressure plasma jet simulations using the Software Platform for Aerothermodynamics Radiation and Kinetics |
2023.05807.CPCA.A1 | LCAUC_Navigator | Construction of the Graph-based Pangenome for the model-organism Saccharomyces cerevisiae |
2023.05810.CPCA.A1 | HPCUÉ_Oblivion | Strain-Induced Effects of Deformed Graphene |
2023.05813.CPCA.A1 | HPCUÉ_Oblivion | Design of Dion Jacobson layered structures for efficient energy materials |
2023.08460.CPCA.A1 | HPCUÉ_Oblivion | Computational design of protein binders to target viral fusion proteins |
2023.08586.CPCA.A1 | INCD_Cirrus and Stratus | Mapping the Knowledge Landscape of Language Models |
2023.09323.CPCA.A1 | INCD_Cirrus and Stratus | Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Ion Implantation into Gallium Oxide |
2023.09530.CPCA.A1 | INCD_Cirrus | Carrier capture kinetics of defect traps in semiconductors |
2023.09536.CPCA.A1 | INCD_Cirrus | CaCau: Cancer Causality | Phase 1 |
2023.09537.CPCA.A1 | HPCUÉ_Oblivion | Towards noise resilient quantum algorithms in the NISQ era |
2023.09549.CPCA.A1 | HPCUÉ_Oblivion | Probing the Very High Energy Horizon: Detection of GeV Emitters Beyond Expected Limits |
2023.09563.CPCA.A1 | HPCUÉ_Oblivion | Modeling a competent complex of a bacterial sulfide:quinone reductase interacting with its membrane counterpart |
2023.09571.CPCA.A1 | HPCUÉ_Oblivion | Large eddy simulation for turbulent channel flow of viscoelastic fluids and sensitivity to rheological model |
2023.09574.CPCA.A1 | HPCUÉ_Oblivion | Hydrodynamics of active and passive nematics |
2023.09581.CPCA.A1 | LCAUC_Navigator | Testing yeast genome assembly pipelines using long-read sequencing data |
2023.09583.CPCA.A1 | LCAUC_Navigator | Design of Naturally Layered Ferroelectrics towards Energy Efficient Materials |
2023.09585.CPCA.A1 | LCAUC_Navigator | Design of Ruddlesden Popper layered structures for efficient energy materials |
2023.09592.CPCA.A1 | LCAUC_Navigator | Unraveling the role of NS2 cofactor in flavivirus NS2B-NS3 protease activity |
2023.09598.CPCA.A1 | INCD_Cirrus | Exploring the interaction of antimicrobial nucleic acid mimics (NAMs) with biomembrane models to understand and optimize the delivery into bacteria |
2023.09602.CPCA.A1 | INCD_Cirrus | Machine learning models for cellular steel beams |
2023.09611.CPCA.A1 | LCAUC_Navigator | ParaDiSE-LHD: Massively Parallel and Distributed Swarm Intelligence-Based and Evolutionary Algorithms for Large-Scale Nonlinear Equation Systems and High-Dimensional PDEs |
2023.09623.CPCA.A1 | HPCUÉ_Oblivion and Vision | Nanostructure of Ionic Liquid-Based Micelles by Molecular Dynamics Simulations |
2022.15813.CPCA.A2 | LCAUC_Navigator | Probing structural dynamics of artificial molecular machinery using microwave spectroscopy |
2022.15888.CPCA.A2 | LCAUC_Navigator | Mechanisms of protection of lactic acid bacteria by fructo-oligosaccharides: a molecular simulation study |
2022.15877.CPCA.A2 | LCAUC_Navigator | Investigation of the turbulent/non-turbulent interface in non-equilibrium turbulence by means of direct numerical simulations |
2022.15858.CPCA.A2 | INCD_Cirrus | Population genomics of hybridization and response to climate change: combining new bioinformatic methods with omics data from endemic Iberian freshwater fish |
2022.15706.CPCA.A2 | HPCUE_Oblivion | Magnetic field generation by quasiperiodic flows in space |
2022.15824.CPCA.A2 | LCAUC_Navigator | Deep-Cog: a Deep Neural Network for Abnormal Cognitive Decline Detection Based on Multimodal Data |
2022.15892.CPCA.A2 | LCAUC_Navigator | High statistical lattice computation of propagators and vertices in Landau gauge |
2022.15818.CPCA.A2 | INCD_Cirrus | Enhancement of Proteins to address Health Conditions |
2022.15827.CPCA.A2 | INCD_Stratus (VRE) | Portuguese Biodiversity Data Portal and associated services to PORBIOTA RI user community |
2022.15575.CPCA.A2 | HPCUE_Oblivion | A coarse-grained molecular dynamic simulation framework to unveil the interactions between mixtures of diverse nature Pluronic in aqueous solutions |
2022.15804.CPCA.A2 | LCAUC_Navigator | Dynamics of bosonic stars |
2022.15802.CPCA.A2 | LCAUC_Navigator | MXene-based transition metal single atom catalysts for nitrogen dissociation |
2022.15851.CPCA.A2 | HPCUE_Oblivion | HIDRALERTA Plus |
2022.15874.CPCA.A2 | LCAUC_Navigator | The influence of a known mutation into the stargazin/Kv7.2 dynamics and function. |
2022.15857.CPCA.A2 | INCD_Cirrus | PERFECT - oPEncoasts as a Relocatable Forecast Engine for Coastal Digital Twins |
2022.15869.CPCA.A2 | INCD_Stratus (VRE) | PTPARL-D: Annotated corpus of Portuguese Parliament Debates |
2022.15885.CPCA.A2 | INCD_Cirrus | Numerical Tests of a Superfluid Effective Field Theory in the 3d O(2)-model. |
2022.15882.CPCA.A2 | INCD_Cirrus | Parkinson's Disease and α-Synuclein Aggregation: A Coarse-Grained/All-Atom Molecular Dynamics Approach for Targeting a Cyclic Peptide Drug |
2022.15647.CPCA.A2 | LCAUC_Navigator | Medium and High-fidelity Aerodynamic Models for Wind Farm Power Optimization |
2022.15825.CPCA.A2 | INCD_Cirrus | Deleterious and compensatory mutations and their role in evolutionary radiations |
2022.15841.CPCA.A2 | INCD_Cirrus and Stratus | WORSICA: Water detection web service for coastal, inland and irrigation network applications |
2022.15822.CPCA.A2 | LCAUC_Navigator | Ab initio search for practical superconductors |
2022.15873.CPCA.A2 | LCAUC_Navigator | Large-spectrum antiviral drug development for influenza: towards the minimization of seasonal outbreaks and the prevention of future pandemics |
2022.15828.CPCA.A2 | INCD_Cirrus | Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) analysis of renewable energy devices |
2022.15878.CPCA.A2 | INCD_Cirrus | In silico study of peptidic dendrimers as transfection agents in RNA vaccines |
2022.15879.CPCA.A2 | INCD_Stratus (VRE) | AGRISPACE: Portuguese AGRIculture data SPACE |
2022.15760.CPCA.A2 | INCD_Cirrus | Dynamical spin-charge coupling in van der Waals nanostructures |
2022.15579.CPCA.A2 | HPCUE_Oblivion | Biodegrading unsaturated polyesters - establishing the enzymatic catalytic mechanism of Pseudomonas sp. MIS38 lipase |
2022.15832.CPCA.A2 | HPCUE_Oblivion | Reaction mechanism of HYDROgen evolution CATalysed by low-dimensional systems (RHYDROCAT) |
2022.15871.CPCA.A2 | INCD_Cirrus | Multi-omic approaches to study evolution of domestication in non-conventional yeasts |
2022.15697.CPCA.A2 | LCAUC_Navigator | Enhancing membrane permeation of MRI contrast agents with molecular umbrellas |
2nd edition of Call Advanced Computing Projects
List of 99 approved projects
Project Reference | Platform | Title |
CPCA/A0/395088/2021 | Bob|MACC | Benchmarking Convolutional Neural Networks for Neural Architecture Search Optimization |
CPCA/A0/395208/2021 | Cirrus | INCD | Ion beam spectra analysis using HPC |
CPCA/A0/396969/2021 | Bob | MACC | Portuguese Transformers |
CPCA/A0/401985/2021 | Navigator| LCA-UC | Optimization of flow electrode channel geometry to boost recovery of lithium from brines by flow capacitive deionization |
CPCA/A1/394984/2021 | Cirrus | INCD | Future trajectories of biogeography under globalization - iGLOBAL |
CPCA/A1/394985/2021 | Oblivion | HPC-UÉ | Unveiling the capacity of Poly(oxyethylene) alkyl ethers CiEj surfactants for oil extraction in silica/water environments through coarse-grain molecular dynamic simulations |
CPCA/A1/394998/2021 | Bob | MACC | Automated Flat Circuit-Level Topology Generation |
CPCA/A1/395424/2021 | Navigator| LCA-UC | Camelot: Prediction of Machine Learning Pipeline Execution Times |
CPCA/A1/396747/2021 | Bob | MACC | DIMCO- Data Intensive Machine Learning Models for COVID-19 related symptomology early detection |
CPCA/A1/401180/2021 | Bob | MACC | Unravelling the molecular mechanisms of Parkinson’s disease mutations: a computational approach |
CPCA/A1/401197/2021 | Cirrus | INCD | Event Simulation for the Development of Anomaly detection Techniques at the LHC |
CPCA/A1/402105/2021 | Cirrus | INCD | ABCD - Advanced Building Conception and Design |
CPCA/A1/402869/2021 | Bob | MACC | CPU4MOSAIC+ |
CPCA/A1/402953/2021 | Bob | MACC | Exploring Modelling of Extensional Rheology Tests Exclusively for SER Platform with Viscoelastic Materials in HPC system |
CPCA/A1/405417/2021 | Navigator| LCA-UC | Machine Learning Models for the Research and Development of Steel Structures Design |
CPCA/A0/408464/2021 | Bob | MACC | MetaLignoZymes - Metagenomic analysis of lignocellulosic residues towards the discovery of novel enzymes |
CPCA/A0/409052/2021 | Bob | MACC | Exploration of de novo genomic assemblies of the pathogen Klebsiella pneumoniae |
CPCA/A1/415075/2021 | Oblivion | HPC-UÉ | Defects and stability of ferrelectric Zirconium dioxide |
CPCA/A1/408141/2021 | Cirrus | INCD | Navier-Stokes Simulations of Reactive and High-Speed Plasma Flows |
CPCA/A1/408711/2021 | Cirrus | INCD | WORSICA - Water mOnitoRing SentInel Cloud platform |
CPCA/A1/407670/2021 | Cirrus | INCD | CFD simulations of the hydrodynamics of floating bodies |
CPCA/A1/410638/2021 | Oblivion | HPC-UÉ | Fine-tuning TMBIM ion channel activity to control hallmarks of cancer |
CPCA/A1/407703/2021 | Navigator| LCA-UC | MDFluoMemPro - Molecular dynamics characterization of novel fluorescent membrane probes |
CPCA/A1/407814/2021 | Navigator| LCA-UC | Using a Genetic Algorithm to design new urease inhibitors |
CPCA/A1/407448/2021 | Bob | MACC | A Monte-Carlo Approach for Solving Systems of Fractional Differential Equations |
CPCA/A1/416303/2021 | Bob | MACC | Probing MRSA mecA-dependent resistance mechanism by molecular dynamics simulations |
CPCA/A1/419081/2021 | Bob | MACC | Parallel Implementations of optimization algorithms in HPC Clusters using free-access software |
CPCA/A0/422435/2021 | Cirrus | INCD | EC-EARTH climate downscaling for the Azores Islands |
CPCA/A0/426012/2021 | Oblivion | HPC-UÉ | High-order schemes impact in parallel computing with the PESTC libraries |
CPCA/A0/427668/2021 | Oblivion | HPC-UÉ | JuPy+HPC | High Level Languages on HPC |
CPCA/A0/429960/2021 | Oblivion | HPC-UÉ | Object recognition to assist visually impaired citizens |
CPCA/A0/432327/2021 | Navigator | LCA-UC | Towards an atomic-level understanding of the interaction of CO2 molecules with functional groups in polysaccharides |
CPCA/A1/408143/2021 | Cirrus | INCD | Navier-Stokes Simulations of Reactive and High-Speed Plasma Flows |
CPCA/A1/420917/2021 | Cirrus | INCD | Multi-scale analysis of multi-phase materials with computational homogenisation |
CPCA/A1/421343/2021 | Oblivion | HPC-UÉ | Machine Learning and Special Functions as Activation Functions in Image Processing |
CPCA/A1/422043/2021 | Cirrus | INCD | Cutting-edge QM/MM MD implementation for the study of enzymatic mechanisms |
CPCA/A1/428291/2021 | Bob | MACC | Machine Learning for Gravitational Waves |
CPCA/A1/431509/2021 | Oblivion | HPC-UÉ | Ab Initio Study of Hf-based Ruddlesden-Popper Perovskites |
CPCA/A1/433482/2022 | Bob | MACC | Numerical simulation of high efficiency gas-solid cyclones |
CPCA/A0/440025/2021 | Navigator| LCA-UC | YeastsBioFlavorome - Bioinformatic analysis of yeasts flavorome and fermentome to unravel non-Saccharomyces species biotechnological potential |
CPCA/A0/441106/2021 | Navigator| LCA-UC | GonoMol: Molecular data analysis of Neisseria gonorrhoeae isolates: assembling and phylogenomics |
2021.09617.CPCA | Oblivion | HPC-UÉ | Focusing and acceleration of positrons in a plasma channel with an intense laser |
2021.09622.CPCA | Navigator| LCA-UC | Towards Novel Graphenic Materials for Electronics |
2021.09688.CPCA | Oblivion | HPC-UÉ | SINATRA - Intelligent System to support the INundation and bAthing waTeR quality management in coAstal cities |
2021.09795.CPCA | Cirrus | INCD | Population genomics of hybridization and adaptation: combining new bioinformatic methods with omics data from endemic Iberian freshwater fish |
2021.09680.CPCA | Navigator| LCA-UC | Atmospheric Flows over Complex Terrain |
2021.09640.CPCA | Navigator| LCA-UC | Predicting economic decisions from brain structure |
2021.09643.CPCA | Oblivion | HPC-UÉ | WHRLeTID: Whys, Hows and Remedies of Light and elevated Temperature Induced Degradation of solar silicon |
2021.09752.CPCA | Cirrus | INCD | Optimization of Validated SARS-CoV-2 Antivirals against the New Emerging Variants |
2021.09830.CPCA | Cirrus | INCD | Monopoles in 5d pure Yang-Mills and their role in criticality |
2021.09644.CPCA | Oblivion | HPC-UÉ | Structure and dynamics of mono and bilayers subjected to external agents |
2021.09804.CPCA | Navigator| LCA-UC | Cyclic peptides as potential inhibitors of SARS-COV-2 main protease |
2021.09741.CPCA | Navigator| LCA-UC | RepDrugCancer - Repurposing drugs to tackle cancer diseases |
2021.09667.CPCA | Oblivion | HPC-UÉ | Exotic hadrons with functional methods |
2021.09828.CPCA | Oblivion | HPC-UÉ | Net4CO2: Research and Development of NetMIX devices for low and zero carbon technologies via CFD simulations |
2021.09764.CPCA | Cirrus | INCD | High-Velocity Water Jets: Combined CFD and Experimental Approaches to Characterize the Scouring Process |
2021.09635.CPCA | Navigator| LCA-UC | A fast deep learning approach to improve protein pKa predictions |
2021.09815.CPCA | Oblivion | HPC-UÉ | Direct numerical simulations of large-scale magnetic fields |
2021.09761.CPCA | Navigator| LCA-UC | ContentMAP: fMRI brain-mapping of object knowledge |
2021.09676.CPCA | Navigator| LCA-UC | Black holes and bosonic fields |
2021.09827.CPCA | Oblivion | HPC-UÉ | Simulated Guided Growth of Dion-Jacobson Energy Efficient Materials |
2021.09821.CPCA | Navigator| LCA-UC | Studies on the human Pgp folding |
2021.09817.CPCA | Navigator| LCA-UC | Analysis of the turbulent entrainment in wakes by means of direct numerical simulations |
2021.09782.CPCA | Cirrus | INCD | Understanding non-B mtDNA conformations using molecular dynamics simulations |
2021.09701.CPCA | Cirrus | INCD | CoastNet Research Infrastructure: The Coastal Monitoring Network |
2021.09759.CPCA | Navigator| LCA-UC | High statistical lattice computation of quark and ghost propagators |
2021.09623.CPCA | Cirrus | INCD | CO2 Capture and Storage using Water: a Paradigm for Clean Energy Production |
2021.09753.CPCA | Oblivion | HPC-UÉ | The mechanism of action of the sPLA2-like toxin of viper venom |
2021.09731.CPCA | Cirrus | INCD | Structure-based database screening to support decision-making for endocrine disruptor identification |
2021.09799.CPCA | Oblivion | HPC-UÉ | Structural, energetic and catalytic properties of vacancy defects in MXene surfaces |
CPCA/A1/435377/2021 | Cirrus | INCD | Bayesian Structural Equation Modeling: |
CPCA/A1/437838/2021 | Bob | MACC | Ocean-Atmosphere Dynamics of Island Wakes |
CPCA/A1/438851/2021 | Bob | MACC | Mitigation of CO2 using Water Ices: Clean Energy Production via greenhouse-effect Reduction |
CPCA/A1/447491/2021 | Navigator | LCA-UC | Protein Design in Biotechnology and Health |
CPCA/A1/449427/2021 | Oblivion | HPC-UÉ | Maximum Likelihood Estimation in spatio-temporal models for time series of counts |
CPCA/A0/442585/2021 | Bob | MACC | GenoCj - Unravelling the genomic features of the yeast Cyberlindnera jadinii for organic acid production |
CPCA/A0/447914/2021 | Bob | MACC | Signatures of the adaptation of environmental and pathogenic Mycobacteria in their genomic architecture |
CPCA/A1/455167/2021 | Bob | MACC | Scalability of pseudo-spectral code for Magnetohydrodynamics simulations |
CPCA/A1/457971/2021 | Bob | MACC | Density functional theory for supercapacitor applications |
CPCA/A1/460347/2021 | Bob | MACC | Improving the Scability of High-order schemes by using the PESTC library |
CPCA/A1/460622/2021 | Bob | MACC | Design of Ruddlesden Popper layered structures for efficient energy materials |
CPCA/A1/467605/2021 | Bob | MACC | Big data analysis for valence encoding in the mammalian brain |
CPCA/A1/468306/2021 | Bob | MACC | Benchmarking Convolutional Neural Networks for Neural Architecture Search Development |
CPCA/A1/469450/2021 | Bob | MACC | CFD assisted design of flow electrodes channels for lithium recovery from brines by flow capacitive deionization |
CPCA/A1/469976/2021 | Bob | MACC | Advancements on the use of AI for the Research and Development of Steel Structures Design |
CPCA/A1/469986/2021 | Bob | MACC | Computational modelling of sustainable biobased nanoformulations |
CPCA/A1/470074/2021 | Bob | MACC | Theoretical studies on molecular recognition by complex supramolecular architectures: from interlocked receptors to self-assembled redox-active hosts |
CPCA/A1/470163/2021 | Bob | MACC | Three-dimensional CFD modelling and analysis of a PCM thermal energy storage system |
CPCA/A1/470166/2021 | Bob | MACC | Non-Equilibrium Insulator Breakdown |
CPCA/A1/470169/2021 | Bob | MACC | Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Ionic Liquids Near Interfaces |
CPCA/A1/470243/2021 | Bob | MACC | Non-trivial topological phases of incommensurate two-dimensional electronic systems |
CPCA/A1/470255/2021 | Bob | MACC | Aggregation study of an α-synuclein peptide |
CPCA/A1/470447/2021 | Bob | MACC | Genomics and transcriptomics mechanisms during adaptation to heavy metal pollution in crop pests |
CPCA/A0/467120/2021 | Bob | MACC | High-precision calculations of atomic parameters for X-ray emission spectra of complex open shell systems using distributed computing |
CPCA/A0/467722/2021 | Bob | MACC | Unraveling the atomic mechanisms in laser-produced tin plasma for nanolithography |
CPCA/A0/467905/2021 | Bob | MACC | Methods for data augmentation in FT-ICR-MS untargeted metabolomics |
CPCA/A0/469866/2021 | Bob | MACC | LiForce - Reactive Force Field Study of Li Deposition in Lithium-ion Battery Anodes |
CPCA/A0/469969/2021 | Bob | MACC | Laser Driven Electron Motion and High Harmonic Generation in Solids: A TDDFT approach |
1st edition of Call of Advanced Computing Projects
List of 129 approved projects
Project Reference | Platform | Title |
CPCA/A2/2500/2020 | HPC-UE | Oblivion | PyroConvection |
CPCA/A2/2524/2020 | LCA-UC | Navigator | New Graphene Materials for Electronics |
CPCA/A2/2568/2020 | MACC | Bob | Flow Dynamics in Storage Tanks |
CPCA/A1/2611/2020 | HPC-UE | Oblivion | Scalability of pseudo-spectral code for turbulence simulation with particle tracking using a 1d-pencil decomposition |
CPCA/A2/2613/2020 | MACC | Bob | CO2 Capture and Storage using Naturally Occurring H2O Ices |
CPCA/A2/2640/2020 | MACC | Bob | Transcriptomics-based prediction of human phenotypes using scalable and secure machine learning approaches |
CPCA/A1/2790/2020 | INCD | Stratus | The global biogeography of invasive species: Emerging patterns, processes and short- to mid-term forecasts - GLOBINV |
CPCA/A1/3154/2020 | INCD | Cirrus | Exploring Matter in Extreme Conditions using Density Functional Theory |
CPCA/A2/3840/2020 | MACC | Bob | Black holes and bosonic fields |
CPCA/A2/4075/2020 | INCD | Cirrus | Getting ready for the unexpected: searching for new physics phenomena at the CERN Large Hadron Collider |
CPCA/A2/4377/2020 | HPC-UE | Oblivion | Dispersion of asphaltenes in model mixtures by ionic liquids - a theoretical approach |
CPCA/A2/4403/2020 | MACC | Bob | SATRAP: Rational design of Self-Assembling networks for TRansparent electrode Applications - Bob |
CPCA/A1/4416/2020 | LCA-UC | Navigator | SATRAP: Rational design of Self-Assembling networks for TRansparent electrode Applications - Navigator |
CPCA/A1/4443/2020 | MACC | Bob | Search Design |
CPCA/A2/4513/2020 | MACC | Bob | Nanoscale material design for advanced cutting tools |
CPCA/A2/4568/2020 | INCD | Cirrus | Enzymatic Synthesis of Biopolymeric Conjugates for Advanced and Targeted Therapies |
CPCA/A2/4595/2020 | INCD | Cirrus | Role of metal ions in DNA recognition by proteins |
CPCA/A2/4628/2020 | HPC-UE | Oblivion | Optimal surface texturing patterns for greener and more energy efficient sliding contacts |
CPCA/A1/4630/2020 | HPC-UE | Oblivion | Scalability of code for spatial simulations of turbulent flows a 2d-pencil decomposition |
CPCA/A1/4781/2020 | HPC-UE | Oblivion | Protein S structure and dynamics - insight into SARS-CoV-2 entry |
CPCA/A2/5043/2020 | INCD | Cirrus | Ab initio computational design of a plasmonic spintronic material |
CPCA/A1/5214/2020 | INCD | Cirrus | Deep Neural Networks for Anomaly Detection in Machinery using Audio/Vibration |
CPCA/A1/5613/2020 | INCD | Stratus | Genetic Programming for Interpretability |
CPCA/A2/5649/2020 | HPC-UE | Oblivion | TiSiNAg-o-Learn |
CPCA/A2/5804/2020 | MACC | Bob | Net4CO2 - 3D Simulations of NetMIX for Carbon Capture, Chemical Reaction, and Combustion |
CPCA/A1/5903/2020 | INCD | Cirrus | MOOB- Multi-Objective Optimization of Buildings |
CPCA/A2/6009/2020 | INCD | Stratus | CAMELOT - Cloud |
CPCA/A2/6046/2020 | LCA-UC | Navigator | High Performance Computing of Wind Flows over Forested Mountains |
CPCA/A2/6052/2020 | MACC | Bob | Deep learning for particle-laden viscoelastic flow modelling |
CPCA/A1/6056/2020 | MACC | Bob | Injection Molding Simulator by Finite Pointset Method |
CPCA/A1/6058/2020 | MACC | Bob | Modelling the Injection Molding of Fiber Reinforced Polymeric Materials |
CPCA/A2/6193/2020 | INCD | Cirrus | Ocean-Atmosphere Dynamics of Island Wakes |
CPCA/A2/6202/2020 | MACC | Bob | Exploitation of Open-Source Computational Fluid Dynamics in HPC Systems |
CPCA/A2/6231/2020 | LCA-UC | Navigator | GreenShoes - Virtual prototyping, artificial intelligence and additive manufacturing in the footwear industry |
CPCA/A1/6525/2020 | MACC | Bob | Electron-Phonon interaction in epitaxial Ge-Si-C superlattices |
CPCA/A1/6717/2020 | LCA-UC | Navigator | Artificial Neural Networks for the Research and Development of Steel Structures Design |
CPCA/A1/6759/2020 | MACC | Bob | LAW - NLP |
CPCA/A2/6816/2020 | MACC | Bob | Multi-gluon vertices in Lattice QCD |
CPCA/A2/6817/2020 | LCA-UC | Navigator | Epitaxial growth of multimetallic MXenes via nitrogen dissociation |
CPCA/A2/6972/2020 | LCA-UC | Navigator | Expanding the druggable target space |
CPCA/A2/6986/2020 | INCD | Cirrus | CIBME - Compression of images from emergent biomedical modalities |
CPCA/A1/7015/2020 | MACC | Bob | Assessment of Footwear Thermal Comfort |
CPCA/A1/7017/2020 | MACC | Bob | Computational Rheology with Complex Materials |
CPCA/A1/7070/2020 | MACC | Bob | Berry connections from DFT calculations |
CPCA/A2/7081/2020 | MACC | Bob | Molecular dynamics of crystallization of honey-like systems |
CPCA/A2/7083/2020 | MACC | Bob | Microsolvation of ions in atomic and molecular solvents |
CPCA/A2/7085/2020 | MACC | Bob | Dynamical lattice QCD simulations at finite temperature |
CPCA/A2/7087/2020 | MACC | Bob | Natural Layered Perovskite Oxide Engineering for Green Technologies |
CPCA/A2/7181/2020 | MACC | Bob | In Silico Optimization of Brain Imaging Probes with Enhanced Permeation |
CPCA/A2/7192/2020 | INCD | Cirrus | High Velocity Water Jets: Combined Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and Experimental Approaches to Characterize the Scouring Process |
CPCA/A1/7203/2020 | HPC-UE | Oblivion | Numerical simulation of ammonia combustion in a swirl and bluff-body stabilised burner with complex chemistry |
CPCA/A2/7217/2020 | INCD | Cirrus | Pathogenomics of coffee leaf rust to probe virulence mechanisms and diagnostic markers |
CPCA/A2/7219/2020 | LCA-UC | Navigator | Dissecting dopamine receptor 2 functional mechanism |
CPCA/A1/7240/2020 | MACC | Bob | CPU4MOSAIC |
CPCA/A2/7242/2020 | HPC-UE | Oblivion | SINERGEA@RNCA - scenarios database for decision support of the integrated and optimized management of energy, bathing water quality and inundation in coastal cities |
CPCA/A1/7252/2020 | INCD | Cirrus | Scalability of a novel Monte-Carlo method in the study of Ising lattices |
CPCA/A2/7255/2020 | INCD | Stratus | CoastNet Research Infrastructure |
CPCA/A2/7257/2020 | INCD | Cirrus | Novel radiation sources from laser-plasma interactions |
CPCA/A2/7261/2020 | LCA-UC | Navigator | Two-Temperature Model - Molecular Dynamcis Simulations of Quantum Wells under Strongly Ionising Irradiation |
CPCA/A2/7263/2020 | HPC-UE | Oblivion | Lattice thermal conductivity of biased bilayer graphene systems |
CPCA/A2/7269/2020 | MACC | Bob | High-performance computational design of biocompatible cell scaffolds for tissue engineering |
CPCA/A0/7276/2020 | MACC | Bob | Direct numerical simulations of turbulent planar wakes |
CPCA/A0/7277/2020 | HPC-UE | Oblivion | Modelling radiation-induced defect engineering in silicon carbide: from quantum computing to radiation detection |
CPCA/A0/7287/2020 | MACC | Bob | Is Yang-Mills have an ultraviolet fixed point in 5D? |
CPCA/A0/7288/2020 | INCD | Cirrus | Nonlinear optical responses in two-dimensional materials |
CPCA/A0/7289/2020 | INCD | Cirrus | Optical Response in Topological Materials |
CPCA/A0/7290/2020 | MACC | Bob | High-Fidelity Simulations for Ocean Sustainable Solutions (HOSTESS) |
CPCA/A0/7291/2020 | MACC | Bob | Hadron structure from nonperturbative QCD |
CPCA/A0/7292/2020 | INCD | Cirrus | Optical response in disordered materials |
CPCA/A0/7296/2020 | HPC-UE | Oblivion | Direct numerical simulations of large-scale magnetic fields |
CPCA/A0/7297/2020 | INCD | Cirrus | Mechanisms of reproductive allochrony in endemic Portuguese seabirds: implications for population divergence and response to climate change |
CPCA/A0/7299/2020 | MACC | Bob | Running Parallel Tasks Made Easier |
CPCA/A0/7302/2020 | LCA-UC | Navigator | Structural and functional role of CACNG2 gene mutations in psychiatric diseases |
CPCA/A0/7303/2020 | INCD | Cirrus | Population genomics of hybridization and adaptation |
CPCA/A0/7304/2020 | INCD | Cirrus | Fighting multidrugresistance in cancer by targeting P-glycoprotein |
CPCA/A0/7305/2020 | MACC | Bob | Design of protein chimeras targeting SARS-CoV-2 |
CPCA/A0/7308/2020 | HPC-UE | Oblivion | Real-space simulation of excitonic properties |
CPCA/A0/7309/2020 | MACC | Bob | Hybrid Improper Ferroelectricity in AA'Fe2O6 Double Perovskite |
CPCA/A0/7311/2020 | MACC | Bob | Genomics of thermal adaptation: transcriptomic changes during climate warming |
CPCA/A1/7313/2020 | INCD | Stratus | Meta-species analyses of patterns of molecular variation in marine fauna |
CPCA/A0/7316/2020 | MACC | Bob | Targeting Neuroinflammation: from target validation to the rational design of selective modulators |
CPCA/A0/7318/2020 | MACC | Bob | Computation of Functions over Matrices using Monte Carlo |
CPCA/A0/7322/2020 | MACC | Bob | Reducing the execution time of a solver in derivative-free optimization |
CPCA/A0/7323/2020 | INCD | Cirrus | Computational Fluid Dynamics of Hypersonic, Reactive, and Plasma Flows |
CPCA/A0/7324/2020 | MACC | Bob | FunMix - Fundamentals of Mixing Mechanics in Chemical Reactors |
CPCA/A0/7326/2020 | LCA-UC | Navigator | Direct numerical simulations of viscoelastic turbulent wakes |
CPCA/A0/7329/2020 | MACC | Bob | Coarse grain modeling of membrane function in health and disease |
CPCA/A0/7346/2020 | LCA-UC | Navigator | Multiobjective optimization in structural-acoustic coupled problems |
CPCA/A0/7347/2020 | LCA-UC | Navigator | Peridynamics for multifunctional composite structures |
CPCA/A0/7348/2020 | MACC | Bob | Exotic optical properties of nonequilibrium quantum fluids |
CPCA/A1/7350/2020 | INCD | Stratus | Comprehensive study of the mutational effects in E.coli |
CPCA/A0/7356/2020 | MACC | Bob | EvoMod: Machine learning modelling of terpene-driven genome evolution in Pseudomonas sp. M1 |
CPCA/A1/7359/2020 | INCD | Stratus | Phylogenetic network inference for bioassessment and conservation |
CPCA/A0/7361/2020 | MACC | Bob | MDUSa - Magnetospheric Dynamics of Ultra-compact Stars |
CPCA/A0/7363/2020 | INCD | Cirrus | Generative Adversarial Networks for the material characterisation of biological tissues |
CPCA/A0/7400/2020 | MACC | Bob | Advanced computing for multi-scale reverse engineering |
CPCA/A0/7401/2020 | MACC | Bob | COMPUTIO: Flood modelling automation in high slope watersheds using artificial intelligence and big data techniques |
CPCA/A0/7402/2020 | MACC | Bob | Bio-inspired Optimization Algorithms for Unit Test Generation |
CPCA/A0/7403/2020 | MACC | Bob | Designing DNA-hydrogels to remove mycotoxins from water environments |
CPCA/A2/7407/2020 | INCD | Stratus | Performance evaluation of parallelization strategies in derivative-free optimization algorithms |
CPCA/A0/7408/2020 | MACC | Bob | Modeling Variable Identifiers to Improve the Adoption of Automatically Generated Unit Tests |
CPCA/A0/7412/2020 | LCA-UC | Navigator | Adsorption energies of corrosion inhibitors as smart data to search new protective solutions for aeronautical applications |
CPCA/A0/7416/2020 | INCD | Cirrus | Genomics of cadmium adaptation |
CPCA/A2/7417/2020 | INCD | Stratus | Measuring and adapting team-level constructs: Challenges and opportunities |
CPCA/A0/7420/2020 | MACC | Bob | High resolution wind-wave modeling for the North Atlantic |
CPCA/A2/7425/2020 | INCD | Stratus | Fake News and Real People - Using Big Data to Understand Human Behaviour (FARE) |
CPCA/A0/7429/2020 | LCA-UC | Navigator | Deep learning architectures: NLP, reinforcement learning and benchmarking environments |
CPCA/A0/7438/2020 | INCD | Stratus | Genomics for phylogenetics and epidemiology of microbial pathogens |
CPCA/A00/4376/2020 | HPC-UE | Oblivion | Structure and dynamics of mono and bilayers subjected to external agents |
CPCA/A00/6057/2020 | MACC | Bob | An Interface-Tracking Method to Simulate Viscoelastic Free-Surface Flows |
CPCA/A00/7094/2020 | MACC | Bob | Design and optimization of DNA nanostructures to deliver antimicrobial agents |
CPCA/A00/7150/2020 | LCA-UC | Navigator | Quantifying the stability of constrained alpha helices |
CPCA/A00/7167/2020 | MACC | Bob | Spin and charge dynamics of novel 2D materials |
CPCA/A00/7188/2020 | INCD | Cirrus | Hybrid modelling assessment flood discharge in Tua large dam |
CPCA/A00/7246/2020 | MACC | Bob | Genetic variability on disease susceptibility: a genome-wide evaluation on gastric cancer and SARS-CoV-2 infected patients |
CPCA/A00/7343/2020 | HPC-UE | Oblivion | Incommensurability effects in low-dimensional Quantum Materials |
CPCA/A00/7421/2020 | HPC-UE | Oblivion | Effects of disorder in nodal loop semimetals |
CPCA/A00/7439/2020 | HPC-UE | Oblivion | Old drugs with a new target |
CPCA/A00/6782/2020 | MACC | Bob | Plenoptic imaging for skin lesion assessment |
CPCA/A00/7140/2020 | INCD | Cirrus | Application of QM/MM Methods in the Development of Biocatalysts |
CPCA/A00/7145/2020 | INCD | Cirrus | Application of Molecular Dynamics Simulations in the Study of Biomolecular Interactions for the Identification of New Drug Candidates |
CPCA/A00/7312/2020 | INCD | Cirrus | Insights on the CFTR ion gating mechanism provided by computer simulations |
CPCA/A00/7319/2020 | INCD | Cirrus | Exploring the efflux and modulation mechanism of Human BCRP through Molecular Dynamics Simulations |
CPCA/A00/7355/2020 | MACC | Bob | Large Eddy Simulation of supercritical mixing layers relevant to liquid rocket propulsion |
CPCA/A00/7358/2020 | MACC | Bob | Direct Numerical Simulation of Two-Phase Flows |
CPCA/A00/7387/2020 | INCD | Stratus | Optimization of Distributed Machine Learning Jobs in Cloud Environments |
CPCA/A00/7395/2020 | INCD | Stratus | Exploring New Physics with Deep Learning in the era of Collider and Gravitational Wave experiments |
CPCA/A00/7317/2020 | LCA-UC | Navigator | Generation of Magnetic Field by Thermal Convection of a Fluid Layer |
CPCA/A00/7437/2020 | MACC | Bob | Study of Hydrophobic and Hydrophilic Interactions in Protein Aggregation towards the development of Aggregation Inhibitors |
1st and 2nd editions of Call of Advanced Computing Projects - AI in Google Cloud
FCT/CPCA-IAC/2022/01 & FCT/CPCA-IAC/2023/01
List of the 11 projects approved in the 1st edition
Project Reference | Platform | Title | ||
CPCA-IAC/AF/478821/2022 | GCP | Prediction of Gene-Phenotype associations Using Graph Embedding Methods | ||
CPCA-IAC/AF/478645/2022 | GCP | Sentiment and Rating Understanding of Portuguese Review for Restaurants using Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing | ||
CPCA-IAC/AF/475871/2022 | GCP | Data science at SYSTEC: deep learning for navigation, geophysical mapping, and multivariate time series forecasting | ||
CPCA-IAC/AV/478750/2022 | GCP | Epistasis Detection on Heterogeneous AI-Enhanced Platforms | ||
CPCA-IAC/AV/478394/2022 | GCP | ALBERTINA - Foundation Encoder Model for English and AI | ||
CPCA-IAC/AV/478395/2022 | GCP | GPT-PT - Transformer-based Decoder for the Portuguese Language | ||
CPCA-IAC/AV/475278/2022 | GCP | An Explainable and Interactive Distributed Machine Learning System | ||
CPCA-IAC/AV/477942/2022 | GCP | Neural Architecture Search for Chemometric Tasks | ||
CPCA-IAC/AV/475089/2022 | GCP | Hypergeometric Functions and Machine Learning in the Diagnosis Process | ||
CPCA-IAC/AV/478719/2022 | GCP | foldProtein: alphafold proteins for function determination and drug discovery | ||
CPCA-IAC/AV/478816/2022 | GCP | TRUST-DL - Trustworthy Deep Learning: Opening the black-box |
List of the 15 projects approved for the 2nd edition
Project Reference | Platform | Title | ||
CPCA-IAC/AF/592080/2023 | GCP | AI2Learn - Artificial Intelligence to Learning | ||
CPCA-IAC/AF/594386/2023 | GCP | Trans-Lighthouses - Citizen Science using GenerativeAI | ||
CPCA-IAC/AF/594668/2023 | GCP | Automatic pre-cancer gastric lesions detection in upper endoscopy videos | ||
CPCA-IAC/AF/594679/2023 | GCP | Intertidal species identification: an automated approach | ||
CPCA-IAC/AF/594904/2023 | GCP | One billion datasetoids to learn them all - Generating datasets for meta-learning | ||
CPCA-IAC/AF/589140/2023 | GCP | Enhancing Industrial and Environmental Modelling with Non-Local Operators in Neural Ordinary Differential Equations | ||
CPCA-IAC/AV/594827/2023 | GCP | Natural Language Processing based on Graph Machine Learning and Deep Learning for Information Extraction | ||
CPCA-IAC/AV/594467/2023 | GCP | Speech recognition for the sound reconstructed using a bio-inspired geometric model | ||
CPCA-IAC/AV/594790/2023 | GCP | TrustAI4Sci: Trustworthy AI for Scientific Applications | ||
CPCA-IAC/AV/594693/2023 | GCP | AstroLingua: Empowering Inclusive Astronomy through AI | ||
CPCA-IAC/AV/594875/2023 | GCP | A Trustworthy Large Language Model for Portuguese and English | ||
CPCA-IAC/AV/594794/2023 | GCP | PTicola - Increasing Computationally Language Resources for Portuguese | ||
CPCA-IAC/AV/589164/2023 | GCP | HydroEthiX - Integrating Constraints for Sustainable Management of Hydropower Plants: A Transparent and Ethical AI Approach | ||
CPCA-IAC/AV/590897/2023 | GCP | IMPROMPT Image Alteration with Language Prompts | ||
CPCA-IAC/AV/591374/2023 | GCP | Unraveling Fatty Acyl-AMP Ligase substrates in Cyanobacteria through an Integrated Approach of Bioinformatics, Unsupervised Learning, and Natural Language Processing |
Call AI 4 COVID-19: Data Science and Artificial Intelligence in Public Administration
List of the 5 projects approved with computer resources (total = 12)
Project Reference | Platform | Title |
DSAIPA/AI/0083/2020 | Cirrus-A | INCD | THOR - Computer Assisted Thoracic Assessment using POCUS |
DSAIPA/AI/0088/2020 | Navigator | LCA-UC & Stratus - Cloud| INCD | PandIA - Management of Pandemic Social Isolation Based on City and Social Intelligence |
DSAIPA/AI/0094/2020 | Navigator | LCA-UC | An intelligent system to improve patients' safety and remote surveillance in follow-up for cardiothoracic surgery |
DSAIPA/AI/0111/2020 | Navigator | LCA-UC | Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Supporting Tool for the Detection, Diagnosis and Prognosis of the COVID-19 Disease |
DSAIPA/DS/0118/2020 | Navigator | LCA-UC | Cutting-Edge Virus-Host Interactome Discovery: A Multi-Omics AI Driven Approach |