Center of Competence and Visualization in Advanced Computing


The Advanced Visualization Center at the University of Aveiro (UA) aims to strengthen the environment for research, innovation and entrepreneurship, as well as to ensure the mobilization of effective and diverse data processing in all areas of knowledge: economy, health, climate, energy, mobility, social processes. It also aims to adopt standards and best practices to create interoperability.

"We give companies an equipment that requires a heavy investment and, thus, we enable new forms of interaction and visualization that would hardly be possible otherwise" - Paulo Dias, Assistant Professor at the Department of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics, at UA

Virtual and Augmented Reality

3D visualization

Remote Collaboration

Useful Information


tel: 234 370 531

address: IEETA / Campus Universitário de Santiago, 3810-193, Aveiro

appointments: Prof. Paulo Dias( and Prof. António Neves(

Access Policy: To be evaluated case by case.