
Advanced Computing Strategy 2030

The National Network for Advanced Computing contributes towards the goals of the Portugal INCoDe2030 initiative, namely in its axis 5, which aims to guarantee the conditions for the production of new knowledge and active participation in international R&D networks and programmes. In this context, the following objectives are already defined for the RNCA:

  • Promote the increase of national digital competences in the area of advanced computing;
  • Promote the increased use of advanced computing by the national research and innovation communities;
  • To network the various existing and emerging national digital infrastructures in terms of the development and operation of advanced computing services.
  • Ensure the international articulation of national advanced computing resources, namely with the TACC, the BSC and the European advanced computing networks.

The main areas of advanced computing are represented in the following diagram:

Strategy and components

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Advanced Computing Portugal.2030: Flyer

Advanced Computing Portugal.2030 - full version